Regele Ferdinand la vanatoare de ursi
Genre: Documentary film
År: 1924
Varighed: 00:09:53
Beskrivelse: King Ferdinand of Romania goes bear hunting in the Gurghiu Mountains. His train stops in the Toplița Station, where he meets his helpers, brought with another train. King Ferdinand hunts alongside Prince Charles of Romania.
Nøgleord: "King Ferdinand of Romania / Prince Charles of Romania" / "bear / hunting / train" / "Gurghiu Mountains / Toplița / Romania"
Udbyder: Arhiva Naţională de Filme
Rettigheder: Public Domain
Produktionsselskab: Mold-film (Cluj)
Farve: Black & White
Director: [Moldoveanu], [Gheorghe]
Sound: Without sound
Samling: ANF
Language: de